Plenty - Cover



Erschienen am 22.12.2011, Auflage: 1/2011
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781446407134
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 288 S., 26.12 MB
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


With his fabulous restaurants and bestsellingOttolenghi Cookbook, Yotam Ottolenghi has established himself as one of the most exciting talents in the world of cookery and food writing. This exclusive collection of vegetarian recipes is drawn from his column 'The New Vegetarian' for theGuardian's Weekend magazine, and features both brand-new recipes and dishes first devised for that column.

Yotam's food inspiration comes from his strong Mediterranean background and his unapologetic love of ingredients. Not a vegetarian himself, his approach to vegetable dishes is wholly original and innovative, based on strong flavours and stunning, fresh combinations. With sections devoted to cooking greens, aubergines, brassicas, rice and cereals, pasta and couscous, pulses, roots, squashes, onions, fruit, mushrooms and tomatoes, the breadth of colours, tastes and textures is extraordinary.

Featuring vibrant, evocative food photography from acclaimed photographer Jonathan Lovekin, and with Yotam's voice and personality shining through,Plentyis a must-have for meat-eaters and vegetarians alike.


Yotam Ottolenghi's path to the world of cooking and baking has been anything but straightforward. Having completed a Masters degree in philosophy and literature whilst working on the news desk of an Israeli daily, he made a radical shift on coming to London in 1997. He started as an assistant pastry chef at the Capital and then worked at Kensington Place, Launceston Place, Maison Blanc and Baker and Spice, before starting his own eponymous group of restaurants/food shops, with branches in Notting Hill, Islington, Belgravia and Kensington. He opened the restaurant NOPI in Piccadilly in 2011.


Award-winning follow-up to 2008's bestselling Ottolenghi: The Cookbook, vegetarian recipes from chef and restaurateur Yotam Ottolenghi. Winner of Observer Food Monthly's Cookbook of the Year.

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